Who is Imani Showalter? Taking a look at why the TV personality got left at the altar by Stephen Jac

Publish date: 2021-04-22

Former NBA player Stephen Jackson and his ex-fiancée Imani Showalter were involved in a controversial relationship. The 2003 NBA champion with the San Antonio Spurs reportedly left Showalter at the altar in 2005. According to Jackson, the reason was because Showalter refused to sign a prenuptial agreement.

Imani Showalter is a former singer. She was a member of a New York-based girl group and became part of the public eye while she was in a relationship with Stephen Jackson. Showalter and the former NBA player were together for over a decade and have two children.

In 2020, Stephen Jackson spoke in a now-deleted Instagram video about why he left Imani Showalter at the altar. The forward began by discussing how he and Showalter met and how he eventually proposed to her. The transcript of the video was published by Madame Noir.

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Jackson said that he and Showalter sat down and discussed the details of their prenuptial agreement. After the papers arrived, however, Showalter always put off signing it, according to Stephen Jackson.

"In order for a prenup to get drawn up, both the husband, the wife, the bride and the groom, have to agree on the prenup before it can even get written up. "So we get the prenup back, at least, 3-4 months before the wedding. This is all true, y’all. I give it to her. When I give it to her, she shouldn’t be surprised by it because me and her sat down and agreed upon the prenup. We agreed. Listen to me, y’all. We agreed on the prenup. "A month passed, two months before the wedding, I’m like, we need to get that prenup signed, so when we get down there to Houston, we ain’t gotta worry about it. I tell her that like two or three times."

On the day of the ceremony, Showalter still had not signed the prenuptial agreement, forcing Jackson to call off the wedding.

"This is when she showed her true colors. So wedding off. Wedding’s off. We not doing it. When we first get back to the room, I break down crying. Honest to God truth, I was hurt. I wanted to marry her, bruh. I break down crying for like twenty-thirty minutes. I’m hard down crying. I didn’t think a woman would take me to this point over a piece of paper."

Jackson admitted that Showalter later agreed to sign the prenuptial agreement. But he refused to accept her signed agreement because he didn't want her to say that she had been forced to sign it.

Showalter hit back at these claims by Jackson, saying she never spoke with her ex about signing a prenup. She also revealed that Jackson and his mother had discussed the prenuptial agreement and laid out the terms of the deal.

What have Imani Showalter and Stephen Jackson been up to since their breakup?

Showalter has featured on reality TV shows since her split with Jackson in 2005. Her most popular appearance was on VH1's "Basketball Wives LA."

The series ran for five years. It revolved around the lives of women who were romantically involved with NBA players. Shaquille O'Neal and Ron Artest's wives also appeared on the show.

Showalter appeared for just one season. She said she quit in order to find her passion. There were rumors that she was fired from the series, but those were squashed later on.

Jackson, meanwhile, went on to marry Renata Jackson in 2009. Their marriage ended in 2015.

After retiring from the NBA, Jackson teamed up with Matt Barnes on Showtime to host the "All the Smoke" podcast, which has been well-received.

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