Fame | Henry Cejudo net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

Publish date: 2020-05-15

How old is Henry Cejudo? When is Henry Cejudo's birthday? Where is Henry Cejudo born? Where did Henry Cejudo grow up from? What's Henry Cejudo's age?

Henry Cejudo Born: 1987 (age 36years), Los Angeles, CA

How about Henry Cejudo's parents?

Henry Cejudo Parents: Jorge Cejudo, Nelly Rico

How about Henry Cejudo's nickname?

Henry Cejudo Nickname: Triple C

How about Henry Cejudo's nationality?

Henry Cejudo Nationality: American, Mexican

How tall is Henry Cejudo in meters or centimeters?

Henry Cejudo Height: 5 4

How about Henry Cejudo's weight?

Henry Cejudo Weight: 135lbs

How about Henry Cejudo's trained by?

Henry Cejudo Trained by: Eric Albarracin

Why is Henry Cejudo not fighting?

Other than English, Spanish, and Portuguese, Henry Cejudo speaks rudimentary Russian as well.

Did Henry Cejudo pull out?

Other than English, Spanish, and Portuguese, Henry Cejudo speaks rudimentary Russian as well.

Does Henry Cejudo speak Portuguese?

Other than English, Spanish, and Portuguese, Henry Cejudo speaks rudimentary Russian as well.
